Monday, March 31, 2008

A Man among Men

Argentina Day 5
By Kim Crawford

A Man Among Men
Many denominations, including the Evangelical Covenant, are predominately led by middle-aged men, particularly white men. This is evident at events such as the mid-winter conference in January and in many congregations we know quite well. It’s even true here in Argentina where the Covenant church has a number of women pastors. And while this bugs me for various reasons I still have to ask the question; What makes someone a man among men?

While we are here in Bernardo de Irigoyen Elia Pineyro and his wife are here too. Elia is the President of the Covenant church in Argentina (aka Iglesia Pacto Evangelica de Argentina). That means he oversees all of the Covenant churches in the entire country. It means that his ministry, lifestyle, character and relationships with others have warranted him the respect of all of his peers. He was chosen from the collection of pastors in all of Argentina to lead the church. In denomination world that means he’s a big deal.

So when I heard he was with us this week I began to observe what this great man is like. After a few days I’d like to share some of the things I’ve seen him do: deliver a benediction, lay bricks, buy football (soccer) tickets, carry water to our kids, give plates of food to our kids, laugh, encourage, play goalie in a pick-up game on the street, bus the table, pray, shovel sand, smile (A LOT!!), chat with friends, help in the kitchen. Do you get the picture? He’s a servant. This man of great respect and power has been nothing but a servant to our group, the other pastors and the workers here with us.

Yesterday was Elia’s birthday. I don’t know exactly where in his middle-age this birthday puts him but I know that we were blessed to spend the day with him. May God bless Elia, his family, his ministry and his giftedness for beautiful servant leadership. Feliz Cumpleanos Elia!

PS Don’t even get me started on how totally awesome his wife Ester is . . .

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