Monday, March 31, 2008

Monday, Monday, Monday

Monday @ 1 PM
by: Brian Peters

In Argentina everyone takes naps or “siesta” but I can’t sleep so I will tell what we did today. This morning after our wake up call at 7:20am, we got to sleep in for 5 minutes more then usual (which is a small but added bonus). For breakfast we had eggs again but with an added bonus of hot dogs. (Which were not that tasty like everything else.)

After breakfast we went to the only elementary school to teach kids about God. They had an assembly of the whole school just for our group Before we got there we learned we were not supposed to talk about God like we were originally told we could. We compromised by not including the word “Jesus” in our play that we acted out. We performed David and Goliath in front of them. The kids loved it especially when Liam fell down as Goliath almost hitting kids in the front row. We then told the 120 kids to come to VBS today so they could hear about God, do crafts, and play soccer with us. Afterwards they asked some questions about our American culture.

We then headed down to the high school. When we got there we went into a junior classroom. They asked us a lot of questions about our culture and if our lives were like the American shows they see like “Super Sweet Sixteen”, a show about girls sixteenth birthday as they get everything they want including cars and music artist. They also gave us some matai a drink that they fill with herbs hot water and sugar. We will share about Matai later. We then asked the about their culture. It was really a good experience. After we did some debriefing and did some VBS prep, we ate lunch that was beef (maybe Fred) and some squash. When lunch ended we started siesta and me writing this blog

You stay classy, readers!
Brian Peters

1 comment:

Judy and Emily said...

From the godmother, again.

The team has energy and is busy. Many blessings on you for that.

What is April 1 like in Argentina? (One story about April Fool is that people who forgot the calendar change .... Until 1752, the year went from March to March. Then it changed to January to January. People who forgot were called April Fools. That is one story of the origin.)

How is the beginning of autumn there? I didn't see lots of trees in the pictures; is that accurate or just the way the pics turned out?

Emily wants to know about the pups. How many friends would she have if she visited?

Keep up the good work.

Judy and Emily