Saturday, March 29, 2008

Saturday March 30

The computer is SUPER I am just going to focus on getting pictures up.
The main work project (building brick walls at the camp) and VBS started today and we have had a great and fun day.

Here is the post from the guys that they wrote on Thursday night/Friday morning...

Aregentina Trip = Day 2 4:18 A.M.
Hola amigos! We have plenty of extra meat, would you like some? We’ve been traveling now for 29 consecutive hours. Despite rigorous travel and lack of sleep, spirits are still high. Thus far, international relations have been muy bueno (insert picture of Dono and Nathanial playing hackey sack with some Costa Ricans). To this point, travel has been smooth: no lost luggage, no viruses caught, and we even got a pretty good exchange rate. Mark, Aly, and Nicole Westlind, as well as Alex from Merge ministries, were cheerfully waiting to pick us up at the airport. Thanks again, guys! We kicked off the Argentine experience by heading to the Estancia (est. 1962), a local favorite of the Westlinds. It’s traditional Argentine fare, consisting of grilled cheese squares, empenadas, bread, chorizo, carne, pollo, and of course, goat.(insert restaurant picture) After that, we hopped on a (small) bus and started making our way up to Bernardo de Irogoyen. Due to a lucky wrong turn, we were actually able to go over the bridge that is on our sweatshirts (Lisa’s favorite moment so far)! Instead of making our way to Uruguay, we turned around at the end of the bridge and headed back in the right direction. We’ll be sure to keep you posted on our next adventures!

-Garcor O’Fujihara (Garret Fujiwara and Corey O'Hara)

Shout Outs!:

  • Byron Beck for getting us the awesome guitar case 4 minutes before we left,
  • Carl’s Jr./Mike Zoratti for buying the burgers!
  • Apple Inc. – for inventing the iPod
  • Copa Airlines - for making the real food in Argentina taste that much better
  • Elvis – No, you ain’t nothing but a hounddog!
  • Will Smith – Thank you for saving the world over, and over, and over again.
  • Javier Bardem – “Call it.”
  • Ben Stiller –for the riveting portrayal of Dereck Zoolander
  • Kevin O’Hara – for being so prompt in responding to the first team email. You rock too, K-Dog!

1 comment:

donnjohnson said...

Go everyone! I'll try to get pics up for Sunday worship at MCC. Pastor Don